Spelling Word Combinations

The current *TALO's Shared Libraries supply you with proper alternatives, collocations,
numerical notation & punctuation patterns Critical errors such as erroneous numerical,
grammatical and lexical combinations will be detected by the *TALO's Spell check Library
and a proper alternative will be supplied (see "http://www.talo.nl/ [download]").
If not yet included, append your own combinations of words & numerical notations.
*TALO made a first selection for you, a few examples of which are shown below.

A few Italian examples (blue correct, red wrong):

agroalimentare instead of agro-alimentare
ex amico instead of ex-amico
hot dog instead of hot-dog

Initial capitals:
Spalato della Cooperazione instead of spalato della cooperazione
Irlanda del Nord instead of Irlanda del nord

vicino a Roma instead of vicino Roma
rispetto a quanto instead of rispetto di quanto

Grammatical errors like:
uno strano amalgama instead of una strana amalgama

Singular, plural or invariant:
i bloggers instead of i blogger
i whisky instead of gli whisky
il Canada instead of la Canada

Fixed formats for numbers and dates:
€ 4,2 millioni instead of € 4.2 millioni
€ 35.120.000,– instead of € 35,120,000.–
0,3 cm instead of 0.3 cm
10% instead of 10 %

You can make your own selection by adding many combinations.

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