Spelling Word Combinations

The current *TALO's Shared Libraries supply you with proper alternatives, collocations,
numerical notation & punctuation patterns Critical errors such as erroneous numerical,
grammatical and lexical combinations will be detected by the *TALO's Spell check Library
and a proper alternative will be supplied (see "http://www.talo.nl/ [download]").
If not yet included, append your own combinations of words & numerical notations.
*TALO made a first selection for you, a few examples of which are shown below.

A few SPANISH examples (blue correct, red wrong):

One or more words:
malversar instead of mal versar
bienandanza instead of bien andanza

vis a vis instead of vis á vis
cancán instead of can can

Initial capitals:
Ministerio del Interior instead of ministerio del interior
El Escorial instead of el Escorial

mandar por correo instead of mandar a correo
en punto de instead of en punto a

Grammatical errors like:
voy a El Ejido instead of voy al Ejido
la intrada y salida de trens ha sido instead of la intrada y salida de trens han sido

el prisma instead of la prisma

Fixed formats for numbers and dates:
fax 00 31 35 611 11 11 instead of  fax. 00 31.35.611.11.11
€ 4,2 miljard instead of  € 4.2 miljard
€ 35.120.000,–  instead of  € 35,120,000.–
0,3 cm instead of  0.3 cm

Separated or together:
ex primera dama instead of exprimera dama
ex capitán general instead of excapitán general

le bobo me incomoda, me fastidia, me mata instead of le bobo me mata, me fastidia, me incomoda

You can make your own selection by adding many combinations.

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