Spelling Word Combinations

The current *TALO's Shared Libraries supply you with proper alternatives, collocations,
numerical notation & punctuation patterns Critical errors such as erroneous numerical,
grammatical and lexical combinations will be detected by the *TALO's Spell check Library
and a proper alternative will be supplied (see "http://www.talo.nl/ [download]").
If not yet included, append your own combinations of words & numerical notations.
*TALO made a first selection for you, a few examples of which are shown below.

A few SWEDISH examples (blue correct, red wrong):

One or more words:
Storbritannien instead of Stor britannien
Brennerpasset instead of Brenner passet
40-minutersprogrammet instead of 40-minuters programmet

Initial capitals:
Sveriges riksdag instead of  Sveriges Riksdag
Europeiska unionen instead of Europeiska Unionen
Svenska Akademiens ordlista instead of svenska akademiens ordlista
Statens historiska museum instead of statens historiska museum

Grammatical errors like:
av åldersskäl instead of på grund av åldersskäl
det är datorns fel instead of det är datans fel
ju snabbare, desto bättre instead of ju snabbare, ju bättre
flera dollar instead of flera dollars

Fixed formats for numbers and dates:
fax +00 35 32 08 08/234 instead of  fax. +
16,7 miljoner kronor instead of 16.7 miljoner kronor
€ 4,2 miljon(er) instead of  € 4.2 miljon(er)
€ 35.120.000,–  instead of  € 35,120,000.–
0,3 cm instead of  0.3 cm

Svenska Dagbladet instead of svenska dagbladet
Den svenska tv-gruppen instead of Den svenska tv-teamet

You can make your own selection by adding manycombinations.

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